Delivery Information
The following is some brief information regarding delivery of your order. If for any reason you have a question that is not answered, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via our contact form.
How orders ship:
- All orders made on our site will be prepped to ship either same day, or on the next business day.
- Packages will either be sent via UPS or USPS
- You will be notified and receive tracking information once the order is fulfilled and entered into the system. *Note: tracking may not show accurate shipping information for the first 48 hours.
- Orders typically take anywhere from 2-5 business days to deliver. We make every effort to get your order on its way as quickly as possible. If you need something other than standard shipping let us know and we can work to expedite your order.
If your order shows "delivered" but does not arrive:
- Sometimes there is an error in the carrier's system (trust us, we get these all the time). To be safe allow another 24hrs in case they deliver the following day.
- Maybe check with a neighbor (or the side door)? Sounds silly, but this happens more than you'd think.
- If that proves to not be the case, message us and we will look into it. It could be lost in transit or someone ran off with your package...poor guy when he learns it's bee food.